Residential Aged Care Services

Our residents are at the heart of everything we do

Residents always come first. Radicare offers a variety of residential care homes and living options, in safe, attractive and well-maintained facilities which are provided 24/7. Depending on your needs and situations, we cater for both high and low care and tailor our care around you. Our registered nurses and extended care assistants work together to provide you with the best possible care, enabling residents to stay independently and get the most out of life.

Home Care

Stay independent in the comfort of your own home

Radicare, through a Home Care Package, provides long-term support to older people with complex needs who want to stay at home and remain independent with coordinated assistance.

What is a Home Care Package (HCP)?

A Home Care Package is Government funding to pay for in home aged care services for Senior Australians, to enable you to stay in your home for longer and delay moving into a nursing home prematurely, or at all.

Types of packages available

As everyone’s care needs are different, there are four different tiers of Home Care Packages (HCP) available that you may be allocated depending on if you require basic, low or high care.

These are:

  • Level 1 supports people with basic care needs
  • Level 2 supports people with low level care needs 
  • Level 3 supports people with intermediate care needs
  • Level 4 supports people with high level care need
Home Care Package services, Radicare can provide you with

Home Care Package services are based on your individual needs. The coordinated mix of services may include:

  • Domestic assistance for household jobs like cleaning, clothes washing and ironing
  • Personal care assistance with bathing or showering, dressing, hair care and going to the toilet
  • Home maintenance for minor general repairs and care of your house or garden
  • Transport for shopping or appointments
  • Social support by taking you shopping, banking or just providing company for a chat
  • Home modification ie installing safety aids such as alarms, ramps and support rails
  • Clinical care including nursing, wound care, allied health and physiotherapy services
  • Food services such as providing meals at a community or day centre, preparing and storing food and delivering meals to your home
  • Help with taking your medications
How to get a Home Care Package

To receive a Home Care Package you will need to be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team/Service (ACAT/S). The ACAT helps the elderly, and their carers, determine what kind of care will best meet their needs when they are no longer able to manage on their own.

The ACAT will give you a letter stating the types of subsidized services you have been approved for and might also put you in contact with organizations in your area that can deliver these services.

Disability Services

Radicare augments the goals of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) which gives all Australians peace of mind if they, their child, or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability. As a registered NDIS provider, we are here with many services to help you get the support you need so you can live the best life.

Private Care

Our offering

Radicare offers private home care across Victoria as one option that may fit your loved one’s needs to stay independent and receive professional care. You do not need a government-approved funding package to access our services and receive home care from us as you can pay for your home care services out of your own pocket and access the care you need right away without an assessment or subsidy.

It is at our heart that we provide our clients with the opportunity to receive care above and beyond that of what can be provided through a Government-subsidised Home Care Package. Our clients are supported by an experienced Care Manager and specialist Care Workers. Our services includes social outings, personal care, home help, medication assistance, shopping, respite and transport and is provided to meet the client’s needs in order for them to remain independent in their own homes. It is often requested following a hospital stay and can include Overnight Private Care, which provides overnight help and support overnight in your own home

What is Private Care?

Private Care is a fee-for-service option that is not subsidised by the Australian Government. This can be a beneficial option if you need immediate assistance while awaiting funding, or if you’re not part of a funding program and have the funds available to cover the costs of care

Privately funding all or some of your home care services could be the right choice for you if:

  • You’ve had an unexpected hospital visit and require assistance in maintaining your independence once you are discharged home
  • You’ve had a fall and require some assistance at home
  • You need some short-term care whilst your usual caregiver takes a break or goes on holiday
  • Your income assessment with Department of Human Services indicates you’ll need to make extensive contributions to your Home Care Package
  • You don’t meet the eligibility requirements for Government funding
  • You are on the wait list for a Home Care Package but require assistance at home now
  • Your Home Care Package doesn’t cover the amount or quantity of home care services you require
The Perks of Private Home Care include:

Reduced wait times: At Radicare, we don’t let the red tape slow us down. In fact if you choose to privately fund your home care services, we’re often able to start providing home care within 3-5 business days.

No assessment: Unlike Government-funded home care, you will not be obliged to go through an assessment with My Aged Care. Instead, you just need to meet with your home care provider (either face-to-face or over the phone) to discuss your goals and plan out your services.

Less paperwork: You’ll have less paperwork to sign!

Short term, long term or one-off – it’s your choice: If you only need temporary assistance or even one-off help, privately funding could be the best option for you.

Social Support

Centre-based Services

At Radicare we believe that when we’re connected to our families and communities, we all feel stronger. And that’s why we have support groups which aim to provide emotional support and education. You don’t have to miss out just because your mobility is limited or your wellbeing isn’t as good as it should be, Radicare helps you live a full, active, and exciting life. Our social support programs include transporting and accompanying you to group or individual social activities.The benefits of our support groups include: Sharing experiences and feelings with others and being reminded that you are not alone, learning a new skill or doing something just for fun for others and a chance to listen to others who have similar experiences and circumstances.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

SDA is a form of housing that is designed to enable eligible  National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants to receive the support they need to live in the community and improve the delivery of their supports.

Supported Independent living

Radicare offers help and/or supervision of daily tasks to help participants live as independently as possible while building their skills. 

SIL is one of many support options participants can receive. When considering if SIL is the best option for a participant, the following are considered:

  • the participant’s goals for their potential home and living arrangements, and the support required for daily tasks to assist in living as independently as possible 
  • if alternative supports may be a better option
  • if the participant has significant support needs that require person-to-person supports, and what supports they already receive.